Application Connectivity Monitor provides the following threshold groups:

  • Redundancy Groups
  • Software Service Groups

Redundancy Groups

The Redundancy Groups apply settings to all elements of the SoftwareServiceRedundancyGroup class. Table Properties of the Redundancy Groups describes the Redundancy Groups included with Application Connectivity Monitor.
Table 1. Properties of the Redundancy Groups
Threshold group Matching criteria Settings Description
Redundancy Groups Value of CreationClassName is SoftwareServiceRedundancyGroup Redundancy Group Thresholds Members include elements of the Software- ServiceRedundancyGroup (and its subclasses).

Software Service Groups

The Software Service Groups applies settings to all elements of the SoftwareService class except elements of the InChargeService class. Table Properties of the other Software Service Groups describes the Software Service Groups included with Application Connectivity Monitor.

Table 2. Properties of the other Software Service Groups
Threshold group Matching criteria Settings Description
Default Value of CreationClass-Name is not InChargeService, but is an element or subclass of SoftwareService Software Service Thresholds Members include elements of the VirtualSoftwareService (and its subclasses), MgmtService, and MgmtAgent classes.