Table AS-IANA-kazaa application signature defines the AS-IANA-kazaa application signature.

Table 1. AS-IANA-kazaa application signature
Parameter Attribute Value
Deployment State Disabled
Host Filter *
Detection Specification Type AUTODETECT
Detector type tcp (required)
Port 1214
Topology Specification Probe Name STANDARD
Application Class SoftwareService
Application Name kazaa
Topology Items Type AUTO
Monitoring Specification Name tcpAction


Table AS-IANA-kerberos-adm application signature defines the AS-IANA-kerberos-adm application signature.
Table 2. AS-IANA-kerberos-adm application signature
Parameter Attribute Value
Deployment State Disabled
Host Filter *
Detection Specification Type AUTODETECT
Detector type tcp (required)
Port 749
Topology Specification Probe Name STANDARD
Application Class SoftwareService
Application Name kerberos-adm
Topology Items Type AUTO
Monitoring Specification Name tcpAction


Table AS-IANA-kerberos application signature defines the AS-IANA-kerberos application signature.
Table 3. AS-IANA-kerberos application signature
Parameter Attribute Value
Deployment State Disabled
Host Filter *
Detection Specification Type AUTODETECT
Detector type tcp (required)
Port 88
Topology Specification Probe Name STANDARD
Application Class SoftwareService
Application Name kerberos
Topology Items Type AUTO
Monitoring Specification Name tcpAction


Table AS-IANA-ldap application signature defines the AS-IANA-ldap application signature.
Table 4. AS-IANA-ldap application signature
Parameter Attribute Value
Deployment State Disabled
Host Filter *
Detection Specification Type AUTODETECT
Detector type tcp (required)
Port 389
Topology Specification Probe Name STANDARD
Application Class LDAPService
Application Name ldap
Topology Items Type AUTO
Monitoring Specification Name tcpAction


Table AS-IANA-lotusmtap application signature defines the AS-IANA-lotusmtap application signature.
Table 5. AS-IANA-lotusmtap application signature
Parameter Attribute Value
Deployment State Disabled
Host Filter *
Detection Specification Type AUTODETECT
Detector type tcp (required)
Port 3007
Topology Specification Probe Name STANDARD
Application Class SoftwareService
Application Name lotusmtap
Topology Items Type AUTO
Monitoring Specification Name tcpAction


Table AS-IANA-micromuse-lm application signature defines the AS-IANA-micromuse-lm application signature.
Table 6. AS-IANA-micromuse-lm application signature
Parameter Attribute Value
Deployment State Disabled
Host Filter *
Detection Specification Type AUTODETECT
Detector type tcp (required)
Port 1534
Topology Specification Probe Name STANDARD
Application Class SoftwareService
Application Name micromuse-lm
Topology Items Type AUTO
Monitoring Specification Name tcpAction


Table AS-IANA-micromuse-ncps application signature defines the AS-IANA-micromuse-ncps application signature.
Table 7. AS-IANA-micromuse-ncps application signature
Parameter Attribute Value
Deployment State Disabled
Host Filter *
Detection Specification Type AUTODETECT
Detector type tcp (required)
Port 7979
Topology Specification Probe Name STANDARD
Application Class SoftwareService
Application Name micromuse-ncps
Topology Items Type AUTO
Monitoring Specification Name tcpAction


Table AS-IANA-microsoft-ds applicationsignature defines the AS-IANA-microsoft-ds application signature.
Table 8. AS-IANA-microsoft-ds applicationsignature
Parameter Attribute Value
Deployment State Disabled
Host Filter *
Detection Specification Type AUTODETECT
Detector type tcp (required)
Port 445
Topology Specification Probe Name STANDARD
Application Class SoftwareService
Application Name microsoft-ds
Topology Items Type AUTO
Monitoring Specification Name tcpAction


Table AS-IANA-ms-cluster-net applicationsignature defines the AS-IANA-ms-cluster-net application signature.
Table 9. AS-IANA-ms-cluster-net applicationsignature
Parameter Attribute Value
Deployment State Disabled
Host Filter *
Detection Specification Type AUTODETECT
Detector type tcp (required)
Port 3343
Topology Specification Probe Name STANDARD
Application Class SoftwareService
Application Name ms-cluster-net
Topology Items Type AUTO
Monitoring Specification Name tcpAction


Table AS-IANA-ms-dotnetster applicationsignature defines the AS-IANA-ms-dotnetster application signature.
Table 10. AS-IANA-ms-dotnetster applicationsignature
Parameter Attribute Value
Deployment State Disabled
Host Filter *
Detection Specification Type AUTODETECT
Detector type tcp (required)
Port 3126
Topology Specification Probe Name STANDARD
Application Class SoftwareService
Application Name ms-dotnetster
Topology Items Type AUTO
Monitoring Specification Name tcpAction


Table AS-IANA-msft-gc-ssl applicationsignatures defines the AS-IANA-msft-gc-ssl application signature.
Table 11. AS-IANA-msft-gc-ssl applicationsignature
Parameter Attribute Value
Deployment State Disabled
Host Filter *
Detection Specification Type AUTODETECT
Detector type tcp (required)
Port 3269
Topology Specification Probe Name STANDARD
Application Class DirectoryServer
Application Name msft-gc-ssl
Topology Items Type AUTO
Monitoring Specification Name tcpAction