Two command line utilities are used to maintain the actions and topology of Application Connectivity Monitor. They are:
- sm_adapter
- dmctl
The sm_adapter utility is used to start an adapter or program running the ASL command language. For Application Connectivity Monitor, the utility is used to register actions, probes, and application signatures with the domain manager.
The dmctl utility is a command-line tool for interacting with a domain manager. It can:
- Execute commands typed at the command line
- Execute commands read from a batch file
- Interactively read entered commands
For Application Connectivity Monitor, the utility is used to register actions, probes, and signatures, and to remove unwanted elements from the topology.
dmctl command options
Table dmctl command option definitions defines the available dmctl command options.
--server=<name> | Name of Domain Manager. This argument is used to identify the Domain Manager to connect to. If it is not specified, it can be set later, in interactive mode, using the attach command. If it is in a host:port/name format, the specified host:port is used to locate Domain Manager name. Otherwise, if it is in a simple name format, name is located by the VMware Smart Assurance Broker. Also -s <name>. |
--broker=<location> | Alternate Broker host:port location. If it is not specified, the Broker is located by the standard search order, as follows:
Also -b <location>. |
--file=<file> | Input batch file. Given this option, dmctl executes the commands in the file and exits. Also -f <file>. |
--timeout[=<seconds>] | Set a timeout on the remote execution of each command. A value of 0 specifies no limit. The default is 0 (no limit) in interactive mode, 60 (1 minute) in non-interactive mode. If --timeout is specified without an argument, a value of 60 seconds is used. If a remote command takes too long, an error message is printed and dmctl immediately exits with the status ETIME. |
--commands | List dmctl commands and exit. Also -c. |
--help | Print help and exit. |
--version | Print program version and exit. |
At any given time, dmctl can be attached to (at most) one Domain Manager. dmctl forwards all accepted commands to the attached Domain Manager, receives a response, and prints it to stdout. It is important to remember that the commands are invoked in the server process. Table dmctl command definitions defines the dmctl commands.
attach domain | Attach to the specified Domain Manager. Once a Domain Manager is attached, other commands can be invoked. |
clear <class::instance::event> | Force clear of the specified event. |
create <class>::<instance> | Create a new instance in the repository. |
consistencyUpdate | Recompute the codebook. |
correlate | Correlate now. |
delete<class>::<instance> | Delete an instance from the repository. |
detach | Detach from the Domain Manager. Another Domain Manager can now be attached with the attach command. |
execute <program>[<arg1> ...] | Execute a program. program should be the base name of the program file, without the suffix or directory. For example, use name to load the program name.po. |
exit | Exit dmctl. |
findInstances <class-pattern>::<instance-pattern> | List instances that match given class and instance patterns. |
get<class>::<instance>[::<property>] | List all instance properties values or a given property value. |
getClasses | List all classes in the repository. |
getEvents <class> | List all exported events defined in given class. |
getEventDescription <class>::<event> | Print description of given event. |
getInstances [<class>] | List all instances in the repository, or all instances of the given class. |
getModels | List all models loaded to the Domain Manager. |
getOperations<class> | List all operations defined in given class. |
getPrograms | List all programs loaded to the Domain Manager. |
getProperties <class> | List all properties defined in given class. |
getThreads | List all threads running in the Domain Manager. |
insert <class>::<instance>:: <property> <value> |
Insert a value into a table or relationship. |
invoke <class>::<instance> <op> [<arg1> ...] |
Invoke an operation of given instance. |
loadModel <model> | Load a new MODEL library. model should be the base name of the library. Do not specify a prefix or suffix with the name. Once a MODEL library is loaded, a prefix or suffix is added to the name (for example, (Solaris), (HP-UX). After a MODEL library is loaded, the repository can be populated with instances of classes defined in that library. |
loadProgram <program> |
Load a new program. program should be the base name of the program file. Do not specify a prefix or suffix with the name. Once a program is loaded, a prefix or suffix is added to the name (for example, name.po). After a program is loaded, it can be executed with execute. |
notify <class::instance::event> |
Force notification of a given event. |
ping | Verify that the Domain Manager is still alive. |
put <class>::<instance>::<property> <value1>[<value2> ...] |
Set value of given property. |
quit | Quit dmctl. |
remove <class>::<instance>:: <property> <value> |
Remove a value from a table or relationship. |
restore <file> | Restore the repository from a file. file should not contain a directory portion; it is read from BASEDIR/repos/. |
shutdown | Shut down the Domain Manager. |
save <file> [<class>] | Save the repository to a file. file should not contain a directory portion; it is saved to BASEDIR/repos/. If class is specified, save only the sub-tree rooted at class. |
status | Display the connection status. |
subscribe <class-regexp>::<instance-regexp>::<event-regexp> ... |
Subscribe to problems and events that match the given pattern(s). dmctl sends the subscription requests, and then loops indefinitely, printing the received notifications. The program exits only when the Domain Manager is shut down, or when interrupted. |
subscribeEvents <class-regexp>::<instance-regexp>::<event-regexp> ... |
Subscribe to events that match the given pattern(s). dmctl sends the subscription requests, and then loops indefinitely, printing the received notifications. The program exits only when the Domain Manager is shut down, or when interrupted. |
subscribeProblems <class-regexp>::<instance-regexp>::<event-regexp> ... |
Subscribe to problems that match the given pattern(s). dmctl sends the subscription requests, and then loops indefinitely, printing the received notifications. The program exits only when the Domain Manager is shut down, or when interrupted. |