The Standard Probe is a program that, when combined with an application signature that is defined through the application signature configuration interface, automatically discovers TCP-based applications (based on the Application Class specified in the signatures).

The Standard Probe is an Adapter Scripting Language (ASL) probe (standard-probe.asl) set to Autodetect, and is installed with Application Connectivity Monitor (in the BASEDIR/smarts/rules/app-sig directory). It is automatically configured at server startup and is registered with the ACM Domain Manager.

The Standard Probe provides the following functionality, it:

  • Creates basic application topology, specified through the application signature configuration interface for the application.
  • Sets up monitoring for the discovered application by creating a corresponding check, and instrumenting it with the action specified through the Application signature configuration interface.

When an application signature is set up with the Standard Probe as the probe for named application, the probe is automatically invoked whenever a new host with matching criteria is added to the topology. The probe then proceeds to create a basic topology application object (SoftwareService) and additional topology information.

The Standard Probe also sets up monitoring for the created application using information entered in the Monitoring Action field of the Application Signature tab.

The discovery interval for the probe is set in the Topology tab.

The Standard Probe creates basic topology for the target class and instance the application signature is defined to discover.

The Standard Probe also creates the following relationships:

  • An Accessed Via relationship with the target class instance for the TCP Endpoint Instance.
  • A CheckedBy relationship with the target class instance for the defined monitoring action instance in the application signature.
  • A HostedBy relationship with the target class instance on the host on which the application is running.