The sm_adapter utility is used to register actions with the domain manager.
The sytnax is:
▼sm_adapter -s <ASM_SERVER> --file=<xml_file>rules\ic-kit\<command>.asl▲
where <ASM SERVER> is the name of the ASM server, <xml_file> is the XML file that specifies the monitoring action, probe, or application signature, and <command>.asl is one of the corresponding ASL rulesets: register_action.asl.
Use the following command to register a monitoring action:
▼sm_adapter -s ICASM --file=smtp-monitor.xml rules\ickit\register_action.asl▲
The file smtp-monitor.xml should be located in integration directory
▼sm_adapter -s ICASM --file=abc/smtp-monitor.xml rules/ickit/register_action.asl▲
The file smtp-monitor.xml should be located in integration/abc directory.
Note: ▼ ▲ Indicates that the command must be typed as one line.