Table Application Connectivity Monitor managed elements defines Application Connectivity Monitor managed elements.
Managed element | Definition |
Bridge | Isa UnitaryComputerSystemthat 'bridges' packets at the link layer between physically separate segments. |
DirectoryServer | Represents aspecialized server whose job is to respond to requests for specific resources, services, users, groups, and so on. |
DNSService | Represents a Domain Name Services server for hostname to IP address and IP address to hostname resolution. |
Firewall | Is a node that provides firewall functionality. |
FirewallService | Represents a firewall application; a software component which acts as agatekeeper of networks deciding which packets are allowed to pass fromone network to another. |
FTPService | Represents a File Transfer Protocol Service for exchanging files between computers on anetwork. |
Host | Is a UnitaryComputerSystemthat represents aworkstation or server. |
Hub | Is a ComputerSystemthat connects multiple physical segments. A hub may be'unintelligent' in that it does not discriminate the segments connecting to it, for example, it relays traffic through all ports. Contrast this witha Switch or Bridge which maintains information about device location and only forwards traffic through specific ports based onthe destination address. |
IMAPService | Represents a Post Office Protocol server which allows users to remotely manage e-mail arriving in their inbox using the IMAP protocol. |
InChargeServic e | Represents an InCharge application. |
IP | Is the IP-layer characteristics of a network-attached interface. |
LDAPService | Represents a LDAP server for directory access. |
LoadBalancer | Is aspecial systemwhich uses a heuristic algorithmto distribute work units to its components. |
MailServer | Represents a programthat distributes files or information in response torequests sent through e-mail. MailServer contains additional information. |
MessageQueu eService | Represents an application that provides queue-based messaging services. |
MgmtAgent | Represents amanagement agent running on ahost that monitors operating systemand application parameters. |
MgmtService | Models an application that provides management functionality. The rationale for this sub-class was to clearly distinguish management applications fromtheservice-delivery applications they manage. MgmtService contains additional information. |
MgmtServiceC heck | Represents acheck to verify that the Management interface of the SoftwareElement is accessible or functional. MgmtServiceCheck contains additional information. |
MSFC | Represents aMultilayer Switch Feature Card. Such a module is often installed as a Card ina Switch to performrouting between VLANs. |
NameServer | Represents aname resolution server. Several domains use these types of servicestoresolve names into addresses or other kinds of information. |
NNTPService | Represents a Network News Transfer Protocol Service for managing notes posted on newsgroups. |
Node | Represents ageneric computer system. |
POPService | Represents a Post Office Protocol server which allows users to remotely retrieve e-mail fromtheir inbox using the POPprotocol. |
Probe | Is a ComputerSystemthat monitors networks or systems. For example, an RMONprobe. |
ProtocolEndpoi nt | Represents a communication point of the network element from which data may be sent or received. For example, a router interface or a switch. ProtocolEndpoint contains additional information. |
RedundancyGr oup | Represents aspecial collection of managed systemelements. The aggregated components together provide redundancy. All elements aggregated inaredundancy group should beinstances of thesameobject class. RedundancyGroup contains additional information. |
Router | Is a UnitaryComputerSystemthat routes packets between computer networks. Routers operate at Layer 3 of the OSI model. |
RSFC | Represents a Route Switch Feature Card. The RSFCruns Cisco IOS router software and directly interfaces to the catalyst switch backplane to provide inter VLAN routing. |
RSM | Represents a Router Switch Module. Sucha module is often installed as a Card in a Switch to performrouting between VLANs. |
SecureShellSer vice | Represents the software that enables SSH clients to connect remotelly to amachine through a secure(encrypted and authenticated) communications channel. |
SMTPService | Represents a Simple Mail Transfer Protocol Service for sending and receiving electronic mail. |
SNMPAgent | Represents an SNMP agent running ina system. An SNMP agent implements one or more MIBs and provides access to the MIB data to SNMP management applications using the SNMPprotocol. |
Software Process | Represents asingle instance of arunningprogramdefined by a workspace of memory resources and environmental settings that are allocated to it. Auser of the operating systemwill typically see a software process as an application or a task. SoftwareProcess contains additional information. |
SoftwareComp onent | Represents a software element that provides support for, and is executing in the context of, a SoftwareService. SoftwareComponents do not provide the full service, rather they formbuilding blocks for the implementation of a SoftwareService. SoftwareComponent contains additional information. |
SoftwareConne ction | Aggregates multiple sessions and transactions connecting two applications into a single logical entity. SoftwareConnection contains additional information. |
SoftwareEleme ntCheck | Represents acheck done toverify status or performance of SoftwareElement(s). SoftwareElementCheck contains additional information. |
SoftwareReque st | Models a particular interaction or message exchange between services. SoftwareRequest contains additional information. |
SoftwareServic e | Represents a software task. Instrumentation about the availability and response timeof an service—froma URL page monitor, for example—should beassociated with checks. The ComposedOf relationship models the decomposition of a SoftwareService into more detailed components. The LayeredOver relationship models a service that is directly dependent on another service. Both services must be hostedby thesame system. SoftwareService contains additional information. |
SoftwareServic eRedundancyG roup | Represents a collection of SoftwareServices that together implement a service. The multiple instances of the application are typically accessed ina fault tolerant manner thereby providing application redundancy. SoftwareServiceRedundancyGroup contains additional information. |
SoftwareSessio n | Models a persistent connection between services. SoftwareSession contains additional information. |
Switch | Is a UnitaryComputerSystemthat 'switches' packets, typically at wire speeds, between physically separate segments. |
SystemRedund ancyGroup | Represents acollection of systems that provide redundancy. |
TCP | Describes the characteristics of a TCP listening EndPoint as is used by network services such as HTTP servers. |
TCPConnectivit yCheck | Represents a check ona SoftwareElement that verifies the TCP connectivity to the SoftwareElement. TCPConnectivityCheck contains additional information. |
TelnetService | Represents the software that enables Telnet clients to connect remotelly to amachine via atext based interface. |
TerminalServer | Is a ComputerSystemthat represents a Terminal Server or similar access device. |
TerminalServic e | Represents a software service that enables users to remotely interact with a computer systemas if they were at a local console. TerminalService contains additional information. |
Uncertified | Is used to identify asystemthat has not yet been certified by the InCharge discovery sub-system. |
UnitaryComput erSystem | Represents computer systems. Computer systems are logical elements that host application services and are composed of file systems, disks, memory, and processors. UnitaryComputerSystem contains additional information. |
VirtualSoftware Service | Represents the logical service provided by an application redundancy group. The VirtualApplication is LayeredOver the RedundancyGroup that implements the service. VirtualSoftwareService contains additional information. |
VirtualTCP | Represents agroup of TCPs that are load balanced. |
WebTier | Is alogical grouping of software services, redundancy groups, and systems whichimplement theWeb-basedaccess totheapplication service. |