If you are starting a Domain Manager for the first time with a fresh installation, you can start the service as described in this section. If you are starting the Domain Manager after it already has a repository, you may remove the repository so the Manager can create a new one.
To start the Adapter and Domain Manager servers:
If the Broker is not already started, enter the following command:
sm_service start ic-broker
To start the IP Availability Manager service, enter the following command:
sm_service start ic-am-server
To start the Multicast Manager service, enter the following command:
sm_service start ic-mcast-server
The MPLS Manager includes three servers, which are started separately. To start these services, enter the following commands:
sm_service start ic-mpls-topology sm_service start ic-mpls-analysis sm_service start ic-mpls-monitoring
To start the Network Protocol Manager for BGP service, enter the following command:
sm_service start ic-npm-bgp-server
To start the Network Protocol Manager for OSPF service, enter the following command:
sm_service start ic-npm-ospf-server
To start the Network Protocol Manager for IS-IS service, enter the following command:
sm_service start ic-npm-isis-server
To start the Adapter Platform service, enter the following command:
sm_service start ic-icoi-server
To start the Global Manager service, enter the following command:
sm_service start ic-sam-server
To start the Adapter for Alcatel-Lucent 5620 SAM EMS service, enter the following command:
sm_service start ic-alcatel-sam