Use periodic discovery if needed in a situation if there are problems with the JMS incremental discovery or if the JMS is intentionally disabled. For example, you can schedule periodic service discoveries to avoid using JMS for a rapidly changing topology.

To schedule periodic discoveries at time with low network usage, use the following procedure, which illustrates the command for a periodic service discovery.

  1. At /var/spool/cron/crontabs/root, add lines such as the following example for service discovery:

    # ASA Adapter
    # Purpose: Schedule Service Discover at 4am
    0 0 4 * * * BASEDIR/smarts/bin/sm_adapter -s <adapter_name> asa/serviceDiscover.asl <system_temporary_files_directory>
  2. Signal the crontab process to re-read the file:

    crontab /var/spool/cron/crontab/root