The Smarts Server Manager probes the Citrix®® XenServer®® hypervisor and XenCenter to discover and monitor the XenServer Hypervisor and Xen Virtual Machines in your virtual network.

This article is for IT networking administrators.

The procedure in this article assumes that your Service Assurance Suite deployment includes:

  • Smarts Server Manager (ESM) installed and operational. For example,

    • The Server Manager is configured to communicate with the IP Manager.

    • The Server Manager is configured with Citrix read-only credentials for your XenServer hypervisor. You should also have access to XenAPI.

    • The IP Manager can discover the XenServer servers configured in the XenCenter.

  • A valid Smarts license for XenServer installed.

  • Global Console installed.

  • Valid read-only credentials for your XenServer hypervisor and the IP address of the host where the hypervisor resides.

    For information about these prerequisites, consult the VMware Smart Assurance Installation Guide for SAM, IP, ESM, MPLS, NPM, OTM, and VoIP Managers, the VMware Smart Assurance Server Manager User and Configuration Guide, and the VMware Smart Assurance Release Notes for SAM, IP, ESM, MPLS, NPM, OTM, and VoIP Managers.