In this example, the same dynamic model is loaded into several Domain Managers, each starting with a different --conf directory. Instead of copying the same compiled dynamic model file (.ldm) to each BASEDIR/smarts/local/model/<conf> directory, one single copy is created and compiled in BASEDIR/smarts/local/model. Each of the Domain Managers is then started with the --dynamic command line option to pull the compiled dynamic model file from BASEDIR/smarts/local/model.
To create the dynamic model:
Create and edit a new file in the BASEDIR/smarts/local/model directory. Type the following at a command prompt:
# BASEDIR /smarts/bin/sm_edit --create model/Example3.mdl
Refine the setting class that sets the default value for the alarm threshold. Type the following lines into the Example3.mdl file:
refine interface NetworkAdapter_Performance_Setting { attribute float [0 .. 100] TS_OverrunThreshold "Acceptable upper threshold for Overruned packets, " "expressed as a percentage of the total number of input packets." = 10; }
Refine the Interface_Performance_CiscoRouter_Ethernet instrumentation class that will be used to poll for the attribute. Type the following lines into the Example3.mdl file:
refine interface Interface_Performance_CiscoRouter_Ethernet { attribute float TS_OverrunThreshold "The upper threshold for Overrun packet errors expressed as a percentage" "of the total number of output packets." = 10; instrument SNMP { TS_locIfInOverrun = "" }; readonly instrumented attribute int TS_locIfInOverrun "The number of overrun errors."; readonly computed attribute float TS_locIfInOverrunRate = rate(TS_locIfInOverrun, PollingInterval); computed attribute float TS_OverrunErrorRate "The rate of ignored Overrun packets expressed in packets" "per second." = TS_locIfInOverrunRate; #pragma Uses Propagation readonly computed attribute float TS_OverrunErrorPct "The rate of Overruned input packets expressed as a percentage" "of total input packets." = (TS_OverrunErrorRate / (InputPacketRate + 0.001)) * 100; event TS_HighOverrunRate "Indicates that the percentage of packets with Overrun errors exceeds OverrunErrorThreshold" = if NetworkAdapterOperational && (TS_OverrunThreshold < 100) && (MaxSpeed > 0) check (TS_OverrunErrorPct > TS_OverrunThreshold); export TS_HighOverrunRate; } TS_OverrunErrorPct > TS_OverrunThreshold if NetworkAdapterOperational and (TS_OverrunThreshold < 100) and (MaxSpeed > 0)
Save the Example3.mdl file.
The file is saved in the BASEDIR/smarts/local/model directory.