To run dmctl interactively, connect to the Manager as follows:

         /smarts/bin/dmctl -s
         <server_name> [--broker=


  • <server_name> is the name of the Manager.

  • <host> is the host on which the Broker resides.

  • <port> is the port on the host from which the Broker can be accessed.


    The --broker option is optional. The default value is localhost:426.

    The following command, starts dmctl interacting with the TEST_SERVER Manager registered with the broker running on the local host and port 426. At the prompts, type the username and password.

                   /smarts/bin/dmctl -s TEST_SERVER --broker=localhost:426

    The output appears similar to the following:

    >dmctl -s TEST_SERVER --broker=localhost:426
    Server TEST_SERVER User: admin
    admin’s Password: XXXXXXX
    Domain Manager Control Program (v9.0.0.1) -- Type ‘help’ for a
    list of commands.
    Attached to ‘TEST_SERVER’

    Once attached to the Manager, use the create command to create an instance of a class:

    create <class_name>::<instance_name>


  • <class_name> is the name of the class.

  • <instance_name> is the name of the instance of the class.

    For example, type the following command to create an instance of the SM_Printer class, named HP_Printer1:

    dmctl>create SM_Printer::HP_Printer1

    The getClasses command lists all of the classes in the repository.

    You can also populate the value of an attribute by using the put command:

                   put <class_name>::<instance_name>::<property_name> <value> 


  • <class_name> is the name of the class.

  • <instance_name> is the name of the instance of the class.

  • <property_name> is the name of the property in the class instance.

  • <value> is the value of the property.

    For example, type the following command to populate the value of the SM_SerialNumber attribute associated with (an instance of the Router class):

    dmctl>put 123456abc