In this procedure, TEST_SERVER_RM is the name of the test Network-Resource Manager. The Network-Resource Manager is started with the --dynamic command line option to pull the compiled dynamic model file from BASEDIR/smarts/local/model.


Two dash (--) characters precede the dynamic option of the sm_server command.

To load the dynamic model:

  1. Type the following command:

    t # 
                   /smarts/bin/sm_server -n TEST_SERVER_RM -c icf-r 
                    --broker=localhost:426 --bootstrap=bootstrap.conf --output
  2. Open the log file. If the dynamic model has been processed successfully, the CREATED FILES section of the output from the sm_server command appears similar to the following:

    [July 10, 2009 12:25:29 PM EDT +789ms] t@1120213312 LDM file processing #1
    DYN-W-FILE_OPEN_OK- Reading
    [July 10, 2009 12:25:44 PM EDT +141ms] t@1120213312 LDM file processing #1
    MRM-*-MRM_PROP_INIT-Property TS_OverrunThreshold initial value ='10'
    [July 10, 2009 12:25:44 PM EDT +142ms] t@1120213312 LDM file processing #1
    MRM-*-MRM_SET_PROP-Setting initial property of TS_OverrunThreshold to 10
    [July 10, 2009 12:25:44 PM EDT +143ms] t@1120213312 LDM file processing #1
    MRM-*-MRM_ACT_PROP-Actual initial value for TS_OverrunThreshold = 10
    [July 10, 2009 12:25:44 PM EDT +144ms] t@1120213312 LDM file processing #1
    DYN-W-CLASS_REFINE_CREATED- Interface NetworkAdapter_Performance_Setting
        refined from Example3.mdl:1
    [July 10, 2009 12:25:44 PM EDT +145ms] t@1120213312 LDM file processing #1
    MRM-*-MRM_PROP_INIT-Property TS_OverrunThreshold initial value ='10'
    [July 10, 2009 12:25:44 PM EDT +146ms] t@1120213312 LDM file processing #1
    MRM-*-MRM_SET_PROP-Setting initial property of TS_OverrunThreshold to 10
    [July 10, 2009 12:25:44 PM EDT +146ms] t@1120213312 LDM file processing #1
    MRM-*-MRM_ACT_PROP-Actual initial value for TS_OverrunThreshold = 10
    [July 10, 2009 12:25:44 PM EDT +147ms] t@1120213312 LDM file processing #1
    DYN-W-CLASS_REFINE_CREATED- Interface Interface_Performance_CiscoRouter
        refined from Example3.mdl:8