To run dmctl in command-line mode, connect to the Manager and type the command by using the following syntax:
# BASEDIR /smarts/bin/dmctl -s <manager_name> [--broker= <host> : <port>] <command_name> <command_params>
<manager_name> is the name of the Manager.
<host> is the host on which the Broker resides.
<port> is the port on the host from which the Broker can be accessed.
<command_name> is the name of the command.
<command_params> is the list of the parameters for the command.
Note:The --broker option is optional. The default value is localhost:426.
The following command, starts dmctl interacting with the TEST_SERVER Manager and creates an instance of the SM_Printer class, named HP_Printer1:
# BASEDIR /smarts/bin/dmctl -s TEST_SERVER create SM_Printer::HP_Printer1
You can also use dmctl to verify that a class has been added. For example:
# BASEDIR/smarts /bin/dmctl -n TEST_SERVER_RM getInstances <classname>
<classname> is the name of the class you want to verify.
If the class is not loaded, dmctl will display output similar to:
MR-E-CLASS_NOT_FOUND_EX-Cannot find class '<classname>'
If the class has been added, dmctl will output a (possibly empty) list of instances.