There are four SM_ENCODING_* environmental variables that can be set.

  • SM_ENCODING_SHELL indicates the encoding used by the shell, primarily useful for specifying what encoding is used for command line arguments.

  • SM_ENCODING_SYSTEM indicates the encoding used for internal interaction with the operating system.

    • Primarily dictates the encoding used for file system access.

    • Secondarily indicates the encoding used when internally accessing the environment.

  • SM_ENCODING_INPUT indicates the encoding used by stdin.

  • SM_ENCODING_OUTPUT indicates the encoding used by stdout and stderr.

    Tuning the SM_ENCODING_INPUT and SM_ENCODING_OUTPUT values is primarily useful if you are redirecting or piping text somewhere other than the shell.

    On UNIX the behavior is:

  • If SM_ENCODING_SHELL is not set, then its value will default to "UTF-8."

  • If SM_ENCODING_SYSTEM is not set, then its value will mirror SM_ENCODING_SHELL.

  • If SM_ENCODING_INPUT is not set, then its value will mirror SM_ENCODING_SHELL.

  • If SM_ENCODING_OUTPUT is not set, then its value will mirror SM_ENCODING_INPUT.


    In UNIX it generally makes sense to set all four values identically.

    The following example sets the encoding to Shift_JIS.

    export SM_ENCODING_INPUT=Shift_JIS