You can view the notifications through the Global Console in two basic ways:

  • As tabular entries in a Notification Log Console view

    Included with the Notification Log Console view (or any other view where you can see notifications) is a Notification Properties dialog box for viewing detailed information about an individual notification.

  • As color-coded severity bar icons in a Map Console view

    In a map, a color-coded severity bar icon appears underneath nodes (graphical representations of topology objects) that are affected by abnormal conditions denoted in notifications.

    Depending on the type of event and information available for display, the Notification Properties dialog box displays up to seven tabs. The tabs are: General, Audit Log, Codebook, Impact, Details, Caused By, and Aggregates.


    You view the details for a network notification by clicking the Details tab in the Notification Properties dialog box. The Details tab identifies the Domain Manager source of the notification and the notification’s attributes and corresponding values. If a notification has multiple sources, one Details tab appears for each source.

    The IP Manager User Guide provides additional information on the Notification Properties dialog box.