IP Availability Manager uses the following values to diagnose an object as unstable:

  • Minimum Traps — The minimum number of Link/Restart traps received in order to conclude that the object is unstable. This variable is set by the LinkTrapThreshold parameter (contained in the Interface/Port Flapping setting) for network adapters and the RestartTrapThreshold parameter (contained in the Connectivity setting) for systems.

  • Trap Window — The period within which the Minimum Traps must be received to declare the object unstable. This window is set by the LinkTrapWindow parameter (contained in the Interface/Port Flapping setting) for network adapters and the RestartTrapWindow parameter (contained in the Connectivity setting) for systems. After an object is declared unstable, IP Availability Manager computes the Stable Time.

  • Stable Time — The amount of time that must elapse without additional Link/Restart traps before IP Availability Manager declares the object stable again. Stable Time depends on the length of time that the object was unstable. This is at least as large as the unstable length of time, and at least as large as the Trap Window. However, the stable time cannot be longer than 1 hour.