A group consists of one or more infrastructure devices, IP networks, VLANs, or subgroups. Groups are created by the administrator and might not be available for the session. The Service Assurance Manager Configuration Guide provides information about creating groups and importing data for groups.

Four types of group maps exist:

  • Group Physical Connectivity map — This map displays physical connectivity between group objects. The solid line edges between groups represent one or more physical connections between objects of different groups. The edges do not change color to reflect their state. The number of hops cannot be changed.

  • Group IP Network Connectivity map — In this map, an edge between two groups indicates that there are one or more IP networks common to the two groups. The group icon containing the IP network is displayed; no IP network icon is displayed. The number of hops cannot be changed.

  • Group VLAN Connectivity map — In this map, an edge between two groups indicates that there are one or more VLANs common to the two groups. The group icon containing the VLAN is displayed; no VLAN icon is displayed. The number of hops cannot be changed.

  • Group Membership — This map displays all the objects of a selected group or a subgroup. The edges do not appear. The concept of a hop is not applicable.