If new devices are added to the topology, a full reconfiguration happens which is time consuming. An incremental reconfigure happens only for the devices added, and is faster.

To enable incremental reconfigure, set ThresholdOfChangedUCSForIncReconfig 10 in the tpmgr-param.conf file. The value of this flag controls the maximum number of devices for which incremental reconfigure will run. For example, if the value is 10, incremental reconfigure will run if the number of the last discovered device is less then 10, otherwise a bulk reconfigure will run.

By default, ThresholdOfChangedUCSForIncReconfig is set to 10 in tpmgr-param.conf. This means that for a discovery containing less than 10 systems, the reconfigure started and reconfigure finished messages will not be logged in the domain log. However, reconfigure will still take place. In order to observe the incremental reconfigure messages, set DebugReconfigure TRUE in tpmgr-param.conf.

To make the required change in tpmgr-param.conf, type:

<BASEDIR>/IP/smarts/bin/sm_edit conf/discovery/tpmgr-param.conf

To restart the IP domain or reload tpmgr-param.conf for the change to take affect, type:

<BASEDIR>/IP/smarts/bin/sm_tpmgr -s <IP 8.1.X domain> --load-conf=tpmgr-param.conf

To verify the ThresholdOfChangedUCSForIncReconfig setting, type:

<BASEDIR>/IP/smarts/bin/dmctl -s <IP 8.1.X domain> invoke ICF_TopologyManager::ICF-TopologyManager findParameter ThresholdOfChangedUCSForIncReconfig

To make the necessary change without restarting the IP domain, type:

<BASEDIR>/IP/smarts/bin/dmctl -s <IP 8.1.X domain> invoke ICF_TopologyManager::ICF-TopologyManager insertParameter ThresholdOfChangedUCSForIncReconfig <value>

To verify the debug setting, type:

<BASEDIR>/IP/smarts/bin/dmctl -s <IP 8.1.X domain> invoke ICF_TopologyManager::ICF-TopologyManager findParameter DebugReconfigure

To make the necessary change without restarting the IP domain, type:

<BASEDIR>/IP/smarts/bin/dmctl -s <IP 8.1.X domain> invoke ICF_TopologyManager::ICF-TopologyManager insertParameter DebugReconfigure TRUE