For field certification of a new device, you specify the discovery driver parameters that will enable the IP Manager to properly represent the device in its modeled topology.

If, for example, you want to discover a new Cisco router, look in the oid2type.conf or oid2type_Cisco.conf file for a Cisco router that is a variant of the new Cisco router, and then use the discovery drivers for that router to discover the new router.

Also, here is some information about discovery drivers that you might find helpful when specifying discovery drivers for a new device:

  • A discovery driver is either a GA_Driver or a GA_CompoundDriver and is defined in a .import file. A GA_CompoundDriver lists a series of GA_CompoundDrivers or GA_Drivers or both that the IP Manager will run in the order that the drivers are specified. A GA_Driver specifies a ruleset and possibly a front end.

  • At startup, the IP Manager loads into memory all of the drivers in the .import files and all of the certifications in the oid2type files. For this reason, a GA_CompoundDriver can refer to a driver that is located in a different .import file.