Each IP Manager instance has its own built-in trap receiver, and each built-in trap receiver requires its own trap listening port. For example, if you start two IP Availability Manager instances from the same installation area, each of those instances will require its own trap listening port.

By default, multiple IP Availability Manager instances that are running on the same host will compete for the same trap listening port: Port 9000. If two IP Availability Manager instances are started on a host, the second to start will log an error that states that it cannot open port 9000 and therefore is disabling its trap receiver.

The easiest way to configure several IP Manager servers running out of one installation is by specifying a separate SM_SITEMOD environment for each server. This allows you to specify configuration files unique to each domain, yet still use the core files that are not different between sites.

The SM_SITEMOD variable provides a search list that IP Managers use to locate files. This list is used to find files that have been customized. Such files include configuration files, ASL rulesets, and scripts. The components of the list are separated by colons (:) on UNIX. The default value of SM_SITEMOD is BASEDIR/smarts/local.