A HighErrorRate fault results in an ErrorException for the affected system or VLAN. IP Performance Manager detects a HighErrorRate fault when one of the following conditions occurs:

  • The percentage of input packet errors is greater than the ErrorThreshold configured for this network adapter. The input packet error percentage is derived by dividing the number of input packets in error by the total number of input packets. The result of this calculation is expressed as a percentage and compared to the ErrorThreshold.

  • The percentage of output packet errors is greater than the ErrorThreshold configured for this network adapter. The output packet error percentage is derived by dividing the number of output packets in error by the total number of output packets. The result of this calculation is expressed as a percentage and compared to the ErrorThreshold.

    For either condition, the input or output packet rate must be greater than or equal to the minimum packet rate. The minimum packet rate is derived by dividing the speed of the network adapter by the value of its maximum transfer unit (MTU) and multiplying the result by the MinimumTrafficThreshold.

    For more information regarding a HighErrorRate fault, select the Details tab in the Notification Properties dialog box for the HighErrorRate notification to view the breakdown by type of error; for example, cyclic redundancy check (CRC) or frame alignment. The type of information available is dependent on the system’s MIB.

    The ErrorThreshold and the MinimumTrafficThreshold are contained in the Generic Interface/Port Performance setting and the Ethernet Interface/Port Performance setting.