The SM_IP_VERSIONS environment variable is set to v6v4 through the following definition in the file:


The file in the IP Manager installation area will automatically set the SM_IP_VERSIONS environment variable, along with any other environment variables in the file, for each application or utility that is started from the installation area.

You should set the SM_IP_VERSIONS environment variable to the IP version that is predominant for your managed network. For example, use the v4v6 value if most systems in your managed network are identified by IPv4 addresses, and some are identified by IPv6 addresses.

To set the SM_IP_VERSIONS environment variable to a value other than v6v4:

  1. Go to the BASEDIR/smarts/bin directory in the IP Manager installation area and type the following command to open the file:

                   sm_edit conf/
  2. Find the following definition in the file:

  3. Change the value of SM_IP_VERSIONS to v4v6, v6, or v4. For example:

  4. Save and close the file.

    The modified version of the file is saved to the BASEDIR/smarts/local/conf directory.