1. Add the common MACs under the invalidMACPattern parameter in the ./sm_edit conf/icf/DISCOVERY.import file to exclude the creation of the virtual MAC addresses.

    The default invalid MAC pattern included are as follows:

    invalidMACPattern = {"000021000000|0000000100*|*0000000000|FFFFFFFFFFFF","00000C07AC*"}

    The higlighed MAC patterns are the ones which are being added in the following example:

    invalidMACPattern = {"001243DC6F02|001B245C3EC2|001B24F053EC|001E6804C04E|001E6804C05A|001E6804C072|001E6804C976|001E68AA0D5C|001E68AA0D62|001E68AA0D6E|00238B0376B9|00238B0376BF|00238B0376E9|00238B0376FE|00238B037704|00238B03770A|00238B037716|00238B03771C|00238B037722|00238B03775E|00238B03764D|000021000000|0000000100*|*0000000000|FFFFFFFFFFFF","00000C07AC*"}

    Add the MAC address to the beginning or end by appending a Pipe(|) symbol or use a regular expression.


    The above changes require a server restart for the changes to take effect.

  2. Use the command sm_edit conf/discovery/tpmgr-param.conf to set RigorousMACTest to True. This will ensure that there is an unique set of MAC addresses between the discovered devices.

    The default value is RigorousMACTest FALSE


    The above scenario is applicable only for devices which are configured under a Virtual Machine such as the Cisco LoadBalancer.