By default, CLI discovery is available for all devices.

You can edit the mpls.conf file and prohibit CLI discovery for certain devices. The block of lines to be edited is:

# CLIProhibitType = "CLI_SYSTEMNAME"
# CLIProhibitPattern = "*"

Because CLIProhibitPattern is an empty string by default, CLI discovery is available for all devices by default.

To prohibit CLI discovery for certain devices:

  1. Go to the BASEDIR/smarts/bin directory in the MPLS Management Suite installation area and type the following command to open the mpls.conf file:

                   sm_edit conf/mpls-t/mpls.conf
  2. Find the section, CLI options, and then uncomment the following lines (shown uncommented):

    CLIProhibitType = "CLI_SYSTEMNAME"
    CLIProhibitPattern = "*"
  3. For the CLIProhibitPattern parameter, replace the asterisk with the device IP addresses or names that should not be discovered. Use the wildcard characters described in Appendix A, “Wildcard Patterns,” to specify ranges of IP addresses or ranges of names; for example, 172.16.* or R1*.

    For 172.16.*, all devices that have loopback IP addresses beginning with the string 172.16 will become members of the group. For R1*, all devices that have names beginning with the string R1 will become members of the group. The devices that become members of the group will be excluded from CLI discovery, and the devices that do not become members of the group will be included in CLI discovery.

  4. Depending on whether IP addresses or names are specified in the previous step, set the CLIProhibitType parameter to the appropriate option, as indicated below:

    • IP address: Use CLI_AGENTADDRESS

      • Name: Use CLI_SYSTEMNAME

  5. Save and close the file.

    The modified version of the mpls.conf file is saved to the BASEDIR/smarts/local/conf/mpls-t directory.

  6. If the MPLS Topology Server was running before you edited the mpls.conf file, restart the MPLS Topology Server.