To define the additional community string, use the Juniper command line interface (CLI) to access the Juniper devices and to specify the following candidate configuration:

snmp {
    view <view-name> {
        oid <ping-mib-object-identifier> include;
    community <community-name> {
        authorization read-write;
        view <view-name>;
} # End of [edit snmp] hierarchy level

After creating the candidate configuration, commit the configuration to the JUNOS (or JUNOSe) Internet software running on the Juniper devices.

For example, the following candidate configuration creates a community string named remote-ping-community that grants all SNMP clients, such as MPLS Manager, read-write access to the DISMAN-PING-MIB and the JUNIPER-PING-MIB.

snmp {
    view remote-ping-view {
        oid          include; # DISMAN-PING-MIB
        oid  include; # JUNIPER-PING-MIB
    community remote-ping-community {
        authorization read-write;
        view remote-ping-view;
} # End of [edit snmp] hierarchy level

Once the example configuration is committed to a Juniper device, the device will respond to SNMP Get, GetNext, GetBulk, and Set requests that contain the community string remote-ping-community and specify an OID that has a or prefix.

The JUNOS Network Management Configuration Guide provides more information about configuring Juniper devices.