By default, the MPLS-BGP cross-domain correlation feature is disabled.

You can edit the mpls.conf file and enable this feature. The lines to be edited are:

InChargeDomain::InChargeDomain_INCHARGE-BGP {
       Type = "BGP"
       DomainName = "INCHARGE-BGP"
       DisplayName = "INCHARGE-BGP"

To enable MPLS-BGP cross-domain correlation:

  1. Go to the BASEDIR/smarts/bin directory in the MPLS Management Suite installation area and type the following command to open the mpls.conf file:

                   sm_edit conf/mpls-t/mpls.conf
  2. Find the section, L2vpn options, and then find the following lines:

  3. Uncomment either of the lines or both lines by removing the # character.

    An uncommented ENABLE_XD_EBGP=TRUE enables the MPLS Topology Server to discover eBGP sessions.

    An uncommented ENABLE_XD_IBGP=TRUE enables the MPLS Topology Server to discover iBGP sessions.

  4. Find the section, Instances of BGP Server, and then find the following object definition:

    InChargeDomain::InChargeDomain_INCHARGE-BGP {
           Type = "BGP"
           DomainName = "INCHARGE-BGP"
           DisplayName = "INCHARGE-BGP"
  5. Make the following edits to the object definition:

  6. On the InChargeDomain and DomainName lines, change INCHARGE-BGP to the name of your Network Protocol Manager for BGP.

  7. On the DisplayName line, change INCHARGE-BGP to the name that you want to see for the Network Protocol Manager for BGP in the Global Console.

    Example of a customized object definition for Network Protocol Manager for BGP:

    InChargeDomain::InChargeDomain_ASIA-BGP1 {
           Type = "BGP"
           DomainName = "ASIA-BGP1"
           DisplayName = "ASIA-BGP1"
  8. Save and close the file.

    The modified version of the mpls.conf file is saved to the BASEDIR/smarts/local/conf/mpls-t directory.

  9. If the MPLS Topology Server was running before you edited the mpls.conf file, restart the MPLS Topology Server.