The installation instructions included in this section are for the Linux, CentOS, Windows Server 2008 R2, Windows Server 2012 and Windows Server 2016 operating environments.


In the examples in both the Install and Uninstall instructions, [Product Directory] is used; however you must substitute [Product Directory] with your actual installation directory path.

Windows Server 2008 is only supported on NCM releases prior to 9.4.2

  • For both Linux, you can determine your product installation directory by examining /etc/voyence.conf, and looking for the text VOYENCE_HOME.

  • For Windows, you can determine your product installation directory by accessing the Registry key at: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Voyence\Control\Configuration\VOYENCE_HOME.

In Windows environment, if the DSr hotfix installation fails with an error message stating that the Java virtual machine could not be found, you must verify that the PATH system variable under Environment Variables contains the location of the Java installation on your computer. The following sections provide details regarding installing the hotfix in different environments.