The following details existing device issues that have been discovered with other releases. In most cases, a resolution is included to address the issue.

Cisco MGX - Restore Causes Device Reset and Loss of Service

  • Issue: Restoring the device capture causes a device reset and loss of service.

  • Resolution: Testing shows the loss of service is in the range of 2 to 5 minutes.

    Cisco MGX - PXM-1 Card Shows Only Two Interfaces

  • Issue: PXM-1 cards show only two interfaces.

  • Resolution: The device SNMP agent only reports two interfaces. This is a limitation of the network device.

    Cisco PXM-1 Cards - MIB not entirely Supported

  • Issue: PXM-1 cards do not support the Entity MIB and hardware information is displayed differently than a PXM-45 card.

  • Resolution: The models having PXM-1 cards require terminal access to collect hardware information.

    Cisco PXM-1 Cards - No SSH support

  • Issue: No SSH support for Cisco PXM-1 cards.

  • Resolution: The Cisco PXM-1 cards does not support SSH.

    Cisco PXM-1 Cards - Not Responding After saveallcnf Command

  • Issue: PXM-1 cards can sometimes not respond after a saveallcnf command.

  • Resolution: Device capture operations will not succeed if the device does not respond with the success status of the command.

    Cisco RPM Cards - Cards not Reported in Hardware Output

  • Issue: RPM Cards are not fully reported in the MGX hardware output.

  • Resolution: RPM cards are reported under the RPM IOS hardware inventory and do not provide dspcd information at the terminal.