The following details existing device issues that have been discovered with other releases. In most cases, a resolution is included to address the issue.

Cisco IOS XR Network Operating System

  • The Cisco IOS XR - Secure Domain Router functionality is not supported.

  • This device driver does not interface with the Cisco IOS XR's configuration store and commit lists.

    Cisco IOS XR - Login Credentials

  • It is advisable to use login credentials that belong to the root-system group, for this driver. All credentials created by this driver will belong to the root-system group.

  • When rolling a login credential, an attempt to place the new user in the same user groups with the old user is made.

  • Login credentials cannot be rolled if TACACS or Radius authentication is in use.

    • To identify if TACACS/Radius is in use, the show [tacacs|radius] server-groups command is used.

    • Login credentials will not be rolled if the output of the show [tacacs|radius] server-groups command has a global list of servers indicating external authentication is in use.

      Cisco IOS XR - SNMP Communities

  • It is advisable to use SNMP communities that belong to the SystemOwner attribute set, with this driver. All communities created by this driver will belong to the SystemOwner attribute set.

    Cisco IOS XR - Conifguration Changes

  • When pushing config changes, If a commit fails when pushing configuration changes to the device, the show configuration failed command is issued. The results for the show configuration failed command is included in the output of the jobs result text.

  • Push to the user mode config is currently the only capture command supported.