The following details existing device issues that have been discovered during development or with other releases. A resolution is included to address the issue, if available.

  • The device tested did not display any information regarding software family, so the success of terminal discovery relies completely with successful parsing of information from the commands listed above. It may be necessary to limit the number of device drivers in use if SNMP is not used.

  • It is strongly recommended to disable console logging to avoid confusing the pattern recognition expressions in the driver.

  • Key data is only present in the running configuration, which would cause problems with determining synced configurations, so it is programmatically removed from the result during a pull.

  • The running configuration has a number of non-pushable lines involving software/CLI version and the like. Although configuration management via Telnet and SSH is presently disabled, this content is presently removed by use of regular expressions in the package XML.

  • Since it does not appear explicitly in any device command output, model information is cross-referenced using the sysObjectID from show system, using the CiscoModels.xml file.

  • Management ACL lines in the running configuration must be commented out, as the device will fail the push since they are bound to an interface (even if no changes are being made). This is not an issue for pushes to the startup configuration.

  • Commands of the form permit ip-source with the same parameters may repeat multiple times in the configuration as a result or pushing the running configuration. This appears to be device behavior in the present firmware version. This will likely show as an out-of-sync condition in the NCM product.

  • Volatile memory information is not presently available from SNMP or CLI, even in the show tech-support output, so only non-volatile (flash) information is displayed.

  • Hardware information via terminal consists primarily of interfaces and chassis properties. SNMP is more detailed in showing a motherboard and switch processor, but several entry descriptions may be terse or missing (such as the ports); this appears to be agent behavior.

  • Account and privilege password rolls will fail if external authentication in active, or if the password rules of the device would be violated.