The circuit creation processing runs as part of post-processing for each of the OTM Topology servers and may also be invoked manually. Post-processing runs after any topology change initiated by a topology adapter, it runs when the Discover All or Discover Pending commands are initiated by a user, and also may run periodically based on the pending interval if configured by a user. (Pending interval defaults to 6 hours.)

To invoke the processing manually the following command can be run from the /bin area:

sm_circuit_create -f <Full Path to the Data File> -s <Server Name> -b <Broker> [-o <Log File Name>] [-d (Debug Mode)] [-h (Help)]

This same command can be run against each of the OTM Topology servers with parameters specific to each domain. For example:

sm_circuit_create -f /opt/InCharge7/smarts/install/local/conf/circuit- create.txt -s OTM-SDH-TOPOLOGY -b localhost:42624 -d