Perform SMARTS Management pack installation from the vROps Administration page.


  1. After installation of the Management pack the files are located at location
    • Network-Adapters.json
    • network-adapter-perf-param.json
    • top-n-adapter-util.json
    • Network-Device-Details.json
    • notifications.html
    • top-n-cpu-util.json
    • dashboard.json
    • top-n-adapter-errors.json
    • top-n-mem-util.json
  2. vROps admin need to edit the notifications.html to point to the Notification log view GUI server.
  3. Import the file notifications.html using the below command.

    #cd /usr/lib/vmware-vcops/tools/opscli

    #$VMWARE_PYTHON_BIN file import txtwidget /usr/lib/vmware-vcops/user/plugins/inbound/SmartAssurance/conf/dashboards/notifications.html

    Note: If the notifications.html file was already imported, remove it before adding again.

    Launch the vROps GUI, click Dashboards and click Notifications Log View Launch Dashboard on the left hand side. Now click Launch Notification Log View button on the ride hand side to launch Smarts-UI webpage on a separate tab.

    Refer VMware vRealize Operations Manager 7.5 Help for vROPS installation and configuration details.