Solution Pack related configuration files are located at following directories:




  1. Event Processing Manager Configuration:

    A Event Processing Manager Configuration file can be found at:

    File: <DCF-Install>/Event-Processing/Event-Processing-Manager/<INSTANCE>(smarts-notifs-events)/conf/processing.xml

    Sample contents

    <processing-manager xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""
            xsi:schemaLocation=" DefaultProcessingManager.xsd ">
            <processing-element name="KAFKA" enabled="true" type="Kafka-Event-Adapter" config="Kafka-Event-Adapter/smarts-notifs-events/conf/kafka-event-adapter.xml"/>
            <processing-element name="Smarts" enabled="true" config="Smarts-Listener/smarts-notifs-events/conf/smarts-listener.xml" data="KAFKA"/>
            <processing-element name="EVENT-SPY" enabled="true" type="EventSpy" config="Event-Processing-Utils/smarts-notifs-events/conf"/>

    This is basic configuration of the Solution Pack which deals with how the processing should start.

  2. SMARTS Event Listener Configuration:

    The following example is a default SMARTS Event Listener configuration: This file will have all Smarts domain manager configurations for polling.

    File: <DCF-Install>/Event-Processing/Smarts-Listener//<INSTANCE>(smarts-notifs-events)/conf/smarts-listener.xml

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <configuration xmlns=""
                               xsi:schemaLocation=" smarts-listener.xsd ">
            <source id="INCHARGE-SA-PRES">
                    <primary id="primary">
    Supported configuration parameters are:




    Period at which the SMARTS Event Listener will initiate a resync with the SMARTS SAM. A resync operation synchronizes data between the SMARTS Event Listener and the notifications that are currently displayed in the SMARTS SAM console. Setting this value to 0 will disable automatic resynchronization.


    Period at which the SMARTS Event Listener will check to make sure that its connection with the SMARTS SAM is still valid.


    Timeout value when trying to establish a connection with the SMARTS SAM.


    If no new notification is received from the SMARTS SAM after that amount of time, the SMARTS Event Listener will disconnect then reconnect to the SMARTS. This checkup is performed at the same time as the connection check. Therefore, the value of this parameter should always be equal or greater than the connection-check-period.


    A source represents a SMARTS SAM instance to monitor. Each source can be composed of a primary source and multiple failover sources, if needed. This is useful for specifying backup SMARTS SAM in case the primary is down.


    Determines if the source is the primary source or just a failover source.


    The broker hostname of the SMARTS SAM if connecting to the broker as your entry point.


    The port on which the SMARTS SAM's broker is accepting connections.

    broker-username (optional)

    The username to use to establish the connection with the broker. This password can be in the encrypted form, generated by the crypt-password script. If no authentication is required, omit this element.

    broker-password (optional)

    The password to use to establish the connection with the broker. This password can be in the encrypted form, generated by the crypt-password script. If no authentication is required, omit this element.


    The hostname of the SMARTS SAM if you need to directly connect to the manager.


    The port on which the SMARTS SAM is accepting connections.


    The name of the domain from which metrics and topo data will be fetched.


    The username used to connect to the domain manager.


    The password used to connect to the domain manager. This password can be in the encrypted form, generated by the crypt-password script.

    Multiple Sources The SMARTS Event Listener can be configured to listen to many sources Simultaneously. This is done by adding more source tags in the configuration file. Each source must have its primary source and can have one or more failover sources.

  3. Kafka Event Adapter Configuration

    Kafka server configuration used to publish events from Smarts/SAM to Kafka is below:

    File : <DCF-Install>/Event-Processing/Kafka-Event-Adapter/<INSTANCE>(smarts-notifs-events)/conf/kafka-event-adapter.xml)

    <?xml version="1.0"?>
    <kafka-event-adapter-config xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation=" ../kafka-event-adapter.xsd ">
        <server host="localhost" port="9092"/>
        <additional-parameters key="security.protocol">SSL</additional-parameters>
            <additional-parameters key="ssl.truststore.location">../../../Tools/Webservice-Gateway/Default/conf/truststore</additional-parameters>
        <additional-parameters key="ssl.truststore.password">{F871B10293EEB1C941E2EA5466F817546662FD1314591713B73E73A7E39663A9960255C4B844F536409BD410490E007F}</additional-parameters>
        <additional-parameters key="ssl.keystore.location">../../../Tools/Webservice-Gateway/Default/conf/clientkeystore</additional-parameters>
        <additional-parameters key="ssl.keystore.password">{85DF870D632462AF411DB8164B9455741BCCCB1CE493C475B7C121E5CEFA2189A2CDE6CE65466BE4C2E99175CAEFA6F1}</additional-parameters>
        <additional-parameters key="ssl.key.password">{DB17AC06BD3C6420FAA350241DFC43BE4504E0173A8BC2FA0C7FC9D79892374392195CD3EB15BD3D2D914FD470BF7075}</additional-parameters>
        <event-writer topic-name="default-topic" stream="data" isJson="true">
                <producer compression-type="none" />
    Kafka Event Adapter parameters:




    This tag must occur at least once.


    This tag must occur at least once.

    host: The address of one of the kafka bootstrap servers

    port: The port that the bootstrap server is listening on.


    This tag is optional, but may be used for templating kafka producers. Please refer to the schema for more information.


    This tag is optional, but may be used for templating kafka consumers. Please refer to the schema for more information.


    This tag is optional, but may be used for templating kafka connections. Please refer to the schema for more information.


    This tag is optional, but may be used for configuring kafka options outside of the purview of the previous tags. These options include, but are not limited to SSL connection parameters.

    Configuring Event Writer:




    This tag is used to define a component that will write to kafka.

    topic-name : The topic we will write to

    stream : The event stream to consume from

    isJson : Json format output is enabled


    This tag may be used if we want to customize how the writer writes to kafka. Please refer to the schema for more information.


    This tag may be used if we want to control how often we flush to kafka.


    This tag may be used if we want to customize how the kafka key is encoded.


    This tag may be used if we want to customize how the kafka value is encoded.