When using the User Profile Creation Wizard, you are prompted to specify the users, notification list, tools, saved consoles, and console operations associated with the user profile.
You can create users and notification lists from within the User Profile Creation Wizard.
As you proceed through the wizard, you may notice that certain elements, such as users or tools, appear dimmed. This indicates that these elements are not enabled. You can associate disabled elements with a user profile. However, such elements are not available to the user profile. For example, if a tool is not enabled, it will not be available to a user until it is enabled. You can enable or disable elements by selecting them in the tree, and selecting or clearing the Enable box in the Configure User Profile panel.
In addition, you can click Finish at any point and the wizard will create the user profile. If you are creating a new user profile, any options after the point where you selected Finish will be blank. If you copied an existing user profile, the new profile will include the options of the copied profile.
Users may have to detach and reattach for changes to their user profile to take effect.
To create a user profile:
From the Global Manager Administration Console, click the Launch User Profile Wizard toolbar button.
The User Profile Creation Wizard appears.
Type the name of the user profile and select whether to create a new profile or to copy an existing profile, and click Next. If you want to copy an existing profile, the remaining configuration options will be identical to the user profile that was copied.
The name of a user profile cannot be the same as the name of a user. For example, you cannot create a user profile Operator and a user Operator. A suggested naming convention is to name the user profile with a –profile extension. For example, you could have a user profile called Operator–profile.
Select a notification list from list box and click Next. Optionally, you can select New Notification List from the menu to create a new notification list.
Select the user or users associated with this user profile. You can select multiple users by holding the Ctrl key when selecting users. Click Add to associate the user or users with the user profile.
If the user does not exist, you can create a user by doing the following:
Type the username in the Create and add new user field.
Click Add.
Click Next.
Note:A user can belong to only one user profile. If the user you select is already a member of another user profile, the user is associated with the new user profile.
Select any appropriate server tools from the list of Available server tools and click Add to associate them with the user profile. You can select multiple tools by holding the Ctrl key while selecting. When finished, click Next.
Note:Click the Allow user to launch client or server tools only for a single selected object option to allow users to only launch client or server tools for a single selected object.
Select one or more appropriate client tools from the list of Available client tools, and click Add to associate them with the user profile. You can select multiple tools by holding the Ctrl key while selecting. When finished, click Next.
Note:Click the Allow user to launch client or server tools only for a single selected object option to allow users to only launch client or server tools for a single selected object.
Select the saved consoles that are opened when users attach to the Global Manager, and click Next. If a saved console is not selected, the default NotificationLog console will appear when the user attaches to the Global Manager.
If the appropriate console is not listed, type the name of the console in the Add new console field, and click Add. You can specify the name of a saved console whether or not the saved console exists.
Select the console operations for users associated with this user profile. You can select Other for specific console operations or select one of the default sets of console operations:
Read Only
The default sets of console operations cannot be modified.
You can assign a modified version of one of the default sets of console operations by first selecting the set that provides most of the console operations to assign. Then, select Other. When you click Next, the console operations that correspond to the set you chose are selected but you can enable or disable individual console operations.
Click Next. The final screen of the User Profile Wizard shows all newly created elements, including the new user profile. By default, the user profile is enabled. You can disable it by clearing the box next to the profile name.
Click Finish to display a dialog box confirming that the user profile elements were created.