The trap receiver uses the trap_mgr.conf configuration file to translate incoming traps into notifications that are sent to the Global Manager. You need to use sm_edit to edit trap_mgr.conf (found at BASEDIR/smarts/conf/icoi) to define the traps that you want to send to the Global Manager. For situations requiring more advanced trap processing, an ASL script can be called for specific traps.

The trap_mgr.conf file contains several sections:

  • The beginning of the file includes comments regarding the syntax of the file.

  • The first line of code sets the BATCH_NOTIFY_INTERVAL. “SNMP trap batching” on page 72 provides more information about this interval.

  • A default section, which lists default values for the fields. If, for a given trap, no value is set for a field, the value from the default section is used. This section begins with BEGIN_DEFAULTS and ends with END_DEFAULTS.

  • Trap definition sections, which define mappings of information for specific traps or groups of traps. There can be one or more trap definition sections. Each section begins with BEGIN_TRAP and specifies the trap mapping by OID, generic trap number, and specific trap number. Each trap definition ends with END_TRAP.

    Default trap parameter section on page 61 provides more information. EMC Smarts MIB for SNMP Traps on page 105 includes the MIB implemented by VMware, Inc. for SNMP traps.