For an Email Notifier Adapter, the configuration file is mail-notify.conf:


Whenever you modify a configuration file, you need to stop and restart the notifier for the changes to take effect.

  1. Using the sm_edit utility, open the configuration file:

    BASEDIR/smarts/bin>./sm_edit conf/notifier/mail-notify.conf
  2. If you are developing multiple customized notification adapters, rename the configuration file, giving the file a relevant name (for example, if you are going to customize the Email Notifier Adapter to send emails for all problems related to Routers, you could name the file mail-notify-Router.conf). The sm_edit utility automatically saves this file to the BASEDIR/smarts/local/conf/notifierdirectory.

  3. Modify the file to change the name of the Domain Manager or Global Manager:

    serverName = <YOUR_INCHARGE_MANAGER>
  4. Define the hostname of the appropriate mail server:

    MailServer = "localhost"
  5. Definethe recipients for the notification email. Multiple email addresses should be separated by a comma:

    Recipients = "root@localhost,"
  6. Define the email address of the sender. This address will display in the From field of the email message:

    SenderId = "daemon@localhost"
  7. Add the following lines to specify the ASL scripts that contain your customizations. The lines should be added to the end of the file below the initialEventDelay parameter:

    filterRuleSet = "notifier/mail/mail-filter.asl"
    customRuleSet ="notifier/mail/mail-custom.asl" 
  8. Modify the SubscribesTo parameter to define the specific notifications for which you want email alerts sent.

    For a Global Manager, you indicate which notifications generate

    emails by defining a notification list in the Subscriptions section:

     SubscribesTo = 
                  # NL subscription.
                           NLName = "Default"
  9. Save the modified configuration file. The sm_edit utility automatically saves the file to the BASEDIR/smarts/local/conf/notifier directory.


    Appendix B, Example Files, contains complete samples of the configuration file.