Concurrently with calculating a business impact value for a problem notification, Business Impact Manager uses a built-in, automated mechanism to automatically propagate the impact as discrete notifications from the problem element through an event causality chain to the affected business elements. When viewing a business impact notification in the Notification Log Console of the Global Manager, the “Impacted” event name appears in the Event column.

Impacts are propagated as follows:

  • To a service offering whenever an event occurs on a member of the service offering.

  • To the business process that is served by an impacted business process.

  • To one service subscriber from another whenever an event occurs on a service offering or business process associated with the service subscriber. In addition, impacts are propagated to service subscribers from the other service subscribers that are part of it. For example, impacts are propagated to an Organization from an impacted Department that is part of the Organization.

    When viewing an impacted business element in a Business Services map in the Map Console, the color of the severity bar associated with the element corresponds to the severity level of the notification. Double-clicking the element displays the details of the notification.