A user profile defines the environment for one or more users, that is, anyone who requires access to the Global Manager through the Global Console. You can create user profiles based on role (administrator/operator), job function (network management/helpdesk), or a combination of these. With a user profile, you specify the following:
Notification lists determine which notifications the Global Manager shows to a particular user. You define one or more filters in a notification list to determine which notifications are available through that notification list. Chapter 6, “Managing Notifications with the Global Manager,” provides additional information about notifications.
Console operations determine a user’s access privileges to various functions and commands provided by the Global Console. Such functions range from adding a view, to acknowledging a notification, and saving a console. You can select the console operations associated with each user profile. “Console operations” on page 59 lists the console operations and describes how to add or remove operations to a user profile.
Tools provide a means by which users can respond to a notification. Such a response might include pinging a device to see if it is reachable or opening a trouble ticket. By defining the tools associated with a user profile, you determine what actions a user can invoke in response to a notification. Chapter 8, “Tool Configuration for the Global Manager,” describes how to create and configure tools.
Saved consoles provide users with a defined view of the network. This defined view can equal multiple displays of information. “Creating a saved console” on page 50 describes how to create a saved console and make it available to users over the network.