The Service Assurance Manager processes notifications sent from:

  • The Adapter Platform Manager (OI) to the INCHARGE-SA (SAM) server

  • An Aggregate SAM server to a Presentation SAM server

    If your SAM Server is communicating with an older version SAM, or OI, you must configure the usePre8.0 parameter included in the dxa-oi.conf file to true. Configuring the usePre8.0 parameter to true, instructs the SAM server to communicate with pre 8.0 SAM Servers and OIs.

    To configure the SAM Server to communicate with older versions of SAM and OI:

    1. Using a text editor, open the dxa-oi.conf file.

    2. Locate the following lines of text:

      # Underlying OI is pre8.0, so we must use a different transport....
      usePre8.0 TRUE
    3. Uncomment (delete the pound sign) the line, for example:

      Underlying OI is pre8.0, so we must use a different transport....
      usePre8.0 TRUE
    4. Save and close the file.

      If your Service Assurance Manager environment requires even faster notification processing, you can configure your Service Assurance Manager to provide multiple threads to process the notifications. Processing notifications using multiple threads adds an additional layer of complexity to your configuration, could possibly use additional system resources, and is only recommended for specific use if your system is failing to keep up with the notifications.

      To configure your Service Assurance Manager to process notifications using multiple threads:

    5. Using a text editor, open the dxa-oi.conf file.

    6. Locate the following lines of text:

      # Subscribe to a Notification List
      # NLName/n
      sub     Default/n
    7. Uncomment (delete the pound sign) the line.

    8. Add the number of threads, for example:

      Subscribe to a Notification List
      sub     Default/n4
    9. Save and close the file.