To create a notification list using the Global Manager Administration Console:

  1. Select the Launch Notification List Wizard toolbar button.

    The Notification List Creation Wizard appears.

  2. Type a unique name for the Notification List.

  3. Choose to create a new notification list or copy an existing notification list:

    • If a new notification list is being created, all of the filter properties are empty.

      • If you copy a notification list, the notification list properties contain the same values as the copied list.

  4. Click Next.

  5. Create an expression filter or type the name of an ASL Filter prefaced by the name of the BASEDIR/smarts/local/rules directory in which it is located, and click Next.


    The ASL filter must exist in the specified location, as the Global Manager loads the filter when you exit the wizard. The filter builder, used to create expression filters, is also used to configure tool and escalation policies. Chapter 10, “Working with Filters,” provides additional information.

  6. Edit the column headings that are displayed in the notification log. The left column lists the attributes included in a notification. The right column lists the columns names as they are currently displayed. You can edit the values in the right column by double-clicking a field.

  7. Do one of the following:

    • Click Next to view the confirmation panel.

      • Click Finish to create the notification list.

        The new notification list is displayed in the Global Manager Administration Console.