Notification objects created by the Global Manager include twenty user-definable attributes. By default, these attributes have no value.

To populate the attributes with values, you may create an ASL program and specify it in the HookScript field of a DomainType subsection. “Defining Domain Manager parameters” on page 66 describes the HookScript field.

A sample ASL program, dxa-sample-hook.asl, is included in the BASEDIR/smarts/rules/ics directory. This ASL program receives a handle to the notification object. You need to provide any additional functionality. Your ASL script should query the Global Manager, Adapter Platform, or underlying domain for additional information.

For example, you can populate one of the columns with the number of affected customers (instances of the ServiceSubscriber class) by counting the number of impacted subscribers.

“Notification list parametersâ€� on page 53 describes the method to give the column names in the Global Console more meaningful names.