VMware uses the following type style conventions in this document:


Used in running (nonprocedural) text for:

  • Names of interface elements

  • Names of resources, attributes, pools, Boolean expressions, buttons, DQL statements, keywords, clauses, environment variables, functions, and utilities

  • URLs, pathnames, filenames, directory names, computer names, links, groups, service keys, file systems, and notifications


Used in running (nonprocedural) text for names of commands, daemons, options, programs, processes, services, applications, utilities, kernels, notifications, system calls, and man pages

Used in procedures for:

  • Names of interface elements

  • What the user specifically selects, clicks, presses, or types


Used in all text (including procedures) for:

  • Full titles of publications referenced in text

  • Emphasis, for example, a new term

  • Variables


Used for:

  • System output, such as an error message or script

  • URLs, complete paths, filenames, prompts, and syntax when shown outside of running text

                        Courier bold

Used for specific user input, such as commands

                        Courier italic

Used in procedures for:

  • Variables on the command line

  • User input variables

< >

Angle brackets enclose parameter or variable values supplied by the user

[ ]

Square brackets enclose optional values


Vertical bar indicates alternate selections — the bar means “or”

{ }

Braces enclose content that the user must specify, such as x or y or z


Ellipses indicate nonessential information omitted from the example