To recover an administration account user ID and password:

  1. Using a text editor, open the viewletauth.conf file.


    Theviewletauth.conf file is located in your Service Assurance Manager installation where tomcat is running.

    Once the viewletauth.conf file is opened, locate the following lines located near the beginning of the file:

    # Automatically generated configuration file
    # admin credential: DO NOT EDIT 2 fields below
  2. Execute the following command replacing the encoded string value with the encrypted (encoded) configuration.admin.user text string value:

    java -cp TOMCAT_INSTALL/webapps/SMViewletAuth/WEB-INF/classes com.smarts.viewletauth.util.SMObfuscatorFactory -s encoded_string
  3. Execute the following command replacing the encoded string value with the encrypted (encoded) configuration.admin.password text string value:

    java -cp TOMCAT_INSTALL/webapps/SMViewletAuth/WEB-INF/classes com.smarts.viewletauth.util.SMObfuscatorFactory -s encoded_string