Each chapter in this guide includes a checklist. “Design and Deployment Checklists” contains all available checklists.

Table 1. Business Impact Manager design checklist




Related documentation

Define relevant business processes.

Determine the business processes to model. Record your choices in the deployment build guide.

“Designing business impact processing”

Create a business topology.

Create business elements to model the business processes. Define the expectations of the model and the events it should analyze. Document your topology in the deployment build guide.

“Business topology”

Assign weights to the elements of the topology.

This step is optional but allows you to assign a value to measure the impact of events that occur in the topology. The weights of impacted elements are summed in the root-cause event. Record your choices in the deployment build guide.

“Weights: Impacts of issues in the topology”

Choose a method for importing information.

If the topology is small, use the Topology Builder Console. For larger topologies, use one or more topology files. Record your choice in the deployment build guide.

“Importing information”