An NCI can be configured to call an ASL hook script just before notification publication; all other VMware Smart Assurance NOTIF NCI processing is performed prior to this call. You can enter the hook script in the ASL Hook Script field in the General tab of the NCI Setup dialog box. VMware Smart Assurance NOTIF looks up ASL hook scripts in the local/rules or /rules directories. For example, if you enter icoi-trapd/sample_hook.asl in the ASL Hook Script field in the General tab of the NCI Setup dialog box, VMware Smart Assurance NOTIF will look up local/rules/icoi-trapd/sample_hook.asl and rules/icoi-trapd/sample_hook.asl.


Writing ASL for use with VMware Smart Assurance NOTIF NCI processing on page 106 provides information on how to write an NCI ASL hook script.

VMware Smart Assurance NOTIF passes the necessary information to reference the notification to the hook script. In return, the hook script passes a flag back to VMware Smart Assurance NOTIF that indicates if the notification should be published. It is the responsibility of the hook script to determine if the notification should be deleted, modified, or related to other notifications.

The hook script is called both on setting and clearing of a notification generated by external sources, but not for an aggregate notification created by this VMware Smart Assurance NOTIF server. In that case, the hook script is only called for the onset of the aggregate since the clearing of the aggregate is done by the internal VMware Smart Assurance processing.