To activate a tool tip, hold the cursor over the object. A tool tip provides the following information for the following map icons:

  • A device (node). Tool tip lists the device’s name, model, location, contact, and description.

  • An IP network (node). Tool tip lists the number of devices, by type, that are member systems of the IP network.

  • A VLAN (node). Tool tip lists the number of devices, by type, that are member systems of the VLAN.

  • A group (node). Tool tip lists the group’s name, number of individual members, and number of subgroups.

  • A service (node):

    • Software service. Tool tip lists the software service’s name, the device that hosts it, and a description.

    • Software service redundancy group. Tool tip lists the class and name of the object.

    • Service subscriber. Tool tip lists the service subscriber’s name and number of service offerings.

    • Service offering. Tool tip lists the service offering’s name and number of service subscribers.

  • Edges:

    • Physical connectivity or network connection. Tool tip lists interface and port endpoint information.

    • All other map edges. Tool tip lists the object’s name at each endpoint.


      Tool tip information for edges in Group maps is not available.

      For example, a Physical Connectivity map containing routers, switches, and their physical connections, the tool tip displays:

    • For each router and switch, the device’s name, model, location, contact, and description.

    • For the physical connections, the interface or port number at each end of the connection.