The following attributes, classified by entity, are common to all maps:

  • Nodes — A node represents a device, IP network, VLAN instance, service subscriber, service offering, an application, or a user-defined group. The icon used to depict a node depends on the class of the instance. A severity icon bar underneath a node is colored to indicate that its state is normal, affected by one or more abnormal conditions, or unknown. A plus sign (+) next to a node indicates that it is connected to additional nodes not currently shown in the map. A box outlining a node indicates that the node is a map focal node. One or more nodes compose a map. You can incrementally expand the scope of the map to show the additional nodes connected to devices.

    The property determines whether normal map nodes display a green banner. The default value for this property is false, no banner is shown under normal nodes. If the node can be expanded, a small green + displays at the right side of the node. Setting the property to true displays a full-width green banner below each normal map node. Chapter 9, “Customizing Your Console,” provides detailed console-property information.

  • Edges — An edge represents a relationship or connection between nodes (for example, a physical connection such as a cable on a Physical Connectivity map), or participation in a logical group (for example, routers participating in a VLAN for a VLAN Connectivity map). The representation depends on the type of map. An edge that represents a topological instance is colored to indicate its status (for example, green for Normal). If an edge represents a relationship, it is colored black.