You can save the contents of an audit log and a selected table of the Containment dialog box. The information is stored locally as an ASCII file. Each row of information is saved as a separate line of text in the file. The resulting file can be imported into other applications such as a spreadsheet program or printed.
To save the information, you can:
In the Audit Log tab of the Notification Properties dialog box, click Save table to file.
For a selected tab in the Containment dialog box, click Save Table.
In the Save table to file dialog box, you can choose format settings and a location for the file.
The Save table to file dialog box is divided into two sections and a Save location field:
Field Delimiter — Separates each field within a line using a tab character or a user-specified character such as vertical bar (|). To specify a custom delimiter, click the Use custom delimiter option and specify the character; tab is the default.
Column Headers — Includes column headers as the first line. To exclude the headers, clear the Include column headers checkbox.
Save location — Specify a directory path and filename, including the file extension (.txt). If you do not specify a path, the file is saved locally to the BASEDIR/smarts/local/logs directory by default. Or, you can click Browse and choose a location in the Select filename dialog box.
Click OK or Apply to create the text file. If the file already exists, its contents are overwritten.