For most maps, a map is centered around a selected node (for example, a device, IP network, VLAN, or service) and shows connections to the selected entity (one hop away). You can change the scope of the elements displayed in the map to see additional connected elements by incrementing the number of hops. You can expand an entire map, one or more individual devices, or a service one increment at a time. A hop is the distance between two nodes that are either physically or logically connected.

  • For an entire map, the scope of a map is defined by the number of hops from the focal object (boxed icon). Each time you select the Increment Hops option, a map expands by adding all nodes (and their edges) that are one hop away from any existing, expandable node.

  • For individual devices, when you select a device and use the Expand Map Element option, a map expands by adding all nodes (and their edges) that are one hop away from the selected device. (You can select more than one individual device by pressing the Ctrl key while you use the Expand Map Element option.)

  • For Storage Insight NAS and SAN Connectivity maps, when you select an edge with a plus sign (+) and use the Expand Map Element option, the edge expands by one hop.

    Using the Expand Map Element option and the Increment Hops or Decrement Hops options together may result in unexpected behavior. To avoid this, use the Reset Map option after the Expand Map Element option but before you use the Increment Hops or Decrement Hops option.


    The options Increment Hops, Decrement Hops, and Expand Map Element are not available for IP Network Membership, VLAN Membership, IP Network Physical Connectivity, VLAN Physical Connectivity, and any type of Group map. The scope of these maps always includes the set of devices in the selected IP network, VLAN, or group.

    Applications and Business Services maps support the Expand Map Element option, but not Increment Hops.