To display an expanded topology tree in the left panel, you need to select a Manager from the Manager menu above the left panel.


A plus (+) sign indicates unexpanded objects. (On some systems, an open circle appears instead of a plus sign.)

If you already used the Browse option, the Manager icon is already expanded beginning with the class of your selection.

To navigate the topology tree:

  1. Click the plus sign next to a class to view its elements (instances).

  2. Click an element in the topology tree to display tabs of information in the right panel.

  3. Click the plus sign next to an element to display its relationships.

  4. Click the plus sign next to a relationship to display classes of related elements.

  5. Click the plus sign next to a related class to display the related instances.

    To refresh the contents of a topology tree, right-click in the background area and select Refresh Tree from the shortcut menu. Then, expand the tree.

    For each object you select, a corresponding property sheet with one or more tabs is also displayed:

    • For an Manager, the Modules and Threads tabs provide information about models, programs, and process threads. For a Domain Manager, the Correlation tab also displays and provides correlation information such as the correlation interval.

    • For classes, the Description and Attributes tabs describe the class and its attributes.

    • For elements (instances):

      • Attributes tab lists the attribute names, data types, values, and descriptions of the attributes.

      • Groups tab displays groups if the instances belong to any groups.

      • (Global Manager only) The Events tab displays notifications if they are generated. The Events tab does not display for a selected element of a Domain Manager.


        If your user ID has the required authorization, for elements of a selected Domain Manager, you can modify attribute values. Double-click in the Value column, modify the value, and select Apply.

        In the Topology Browser, an individual object with a plus (+) sign does not open or expand if a class exceeds 1,000 instances. Instead, a node displays, reporting that there are more than 1,000 instances. This limit can be changed by specifying the com.smarts.maxTopoInstances property during console startup. Chapter 9, “Customizing Your Console,” provides detailed information on tailoring console properties.

        Select Edit > Find Instances to find an individual instance and display related topology. (“Finding an instance or device” on page 80 includes additional information.)

        Also, the tool tip displays the correct number of instances. To activate the tool tip, hold the cursor over the object you wish to expand.